Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Blog #3 Museum Of The Moving Image

On my recent trip with the class to the Museum Of The Moving Image in Queens I learned about all different aspects of film making and the technology behind the camera and microphone. I was most impressed by the well put together exhibits in the museum especially when it comes to the sound effects exhibit. The museums exhibit on sound effects goes into extreme detail on the sound effects process of movie production. I learned about the foley guy/gale and how his/her job description. I learned how they take sounds that you would not usually associate with other sounds and combine them to fit a totally different type of sound. One example the used was in the Titanic the foley people used a gun shots with a silencer attached for the sounds of the cables snapping in the scene where the large smoke columns collapse. Over all I would highly recommend going to the museum again to take everything in because it is so large it was hard to see everything in one trip.

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