I enjoy above all things in life making people feel good and
relax through comedy. I enjoy the brutal honesty that can be accomplished with
comedy and still be accepted just as long as it is comedic no matter how
unacceptable it may seem in society.
I very much enjoy that when it comes to being authentic in
comedy it is almost impossible to fake. In many other art forms you can pass
being unauthentic but in comedy this is for the most part futile, your audience
will eventually pick up on it and make you pay.
Ever since I was a child I was always drawn to comedy and
honesty. Growing up I would watch George Carlin and be blown away by how much
he made me laugh and think at the same time.
I remember sneaking in the room while my older siblings and
parents would watch “adult” comedy specials on HBO and laugh till they were red
in the face and knowing that that was everything I wanted to be.
I remember getting in trouble for answering Stand-up comic
in the black space for what I wanted to be when I grew up in my elementary
school yearbook. I remember having to add another profession because my teacher
did not think that was a credible response and being the only kid in the school
who had two professions for in the yearbook.
Everything I do now I apply the same standards I apply to my
comedy. First and foremost is honesty, second is knowing exactly was your
audience needs and wants and third is working things out till I get them